08 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Listing the 11 strangest weapons in the gaming world, number 4 makes players feel extremely strange

Video games are inherently human creations, so it is understandable that they do not follow conventional logic. 1. Hair – Bayonetta Bayonetta has never made sense, but that doesn’t mean this game isn’t good and attractive. 2. Shark gun – Armed & Dangerous Just aim and shoot, and you’ll see something as strange as those outlandish […]

1 min read

Itto’s `arch rivals` in The Road to Goal

1. Godzilla Soken – General Not long after entering school, Itto immediately got into trouble with Soken. Nurturing resentment, combined with the fact that the new jersey he received was torn, Itto became even more bitter and immediately took his tools to find Soken to get revenge. Only when Yara intervened was Itto able to […]