Russia says Ukraine is not ready for peace, warns against Western weapons
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Russia says Ukraine is not ready for peace, warns against Western weapons

(Dan Tri) – Russia warns that the West’s transfer of weapons to Ukraine will make the conflict more serious and President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the US shows that Kiev does not want peace.

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov (Photo: RIA).

`(President) Zelensky’s visit to the US, the dialogues in Washington show that neither the (US) administration nor Mr. Zelensky is ready for peace,` Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said in a statement.

`The arguments appearing in the American media that Russia is not interested in achieving peace are wrong,` Mr. Antonov said, adding that this view of Moscow was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Zelensky began his visit to the US on December 21 at the invitation of this country’s officials.

The visit is considered important, affirming the relationship between Ukraine and the US in the context of Kiev calling on Washington and its allies to continue providing military, economic and humanitarian aid.

On the occasion of the President of Ukraine’s visit, President Biden announced a new security assistance package worth nearly 2 billion USD for Kiev, including the Patriot missile defense complex.

According to Ambassador Antonov, the Ukrainian President’s visit to the US shows that Washington’s statements about avoiding direct confrontation with Moscow are an `empty phrase`.

`The visit of the head of the Kiev government to Washington, organized in Hollywood style, finally confirmed the conciliatory statements of the US government about its lack of intention to participate in a war.

After Washington’s announcement of the transfer of Patriot missile defense systems to Kiev, Antonov said that the Russian military was systematically destroying Western weapons in Ukraine.

The Russian ambassador warned against the US sending missile systems to Ukraine despite warnings from Moscow, and expressed concern about whether Western experts could help maintain systems that Ukraine lacks the skills to operate.

`We have emphasized that provocative actions on the part of the US are gradually leading to an escalation of tensions, the consequences of which cannot even be imagined. For example, speculations about the transfer of ATACMS missiles

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced on December 21 that Russia does not see an opportunity for peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine and that the transfer of new weapons to Kiev by Western countries `makes the conflict worse`

`Arms transfers continue, the scope of arms supplies is expanding. All this aggravates the conflict and is not a good thing for Ukraine,` Mr. Peskov warned.

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