Strengthen solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Palestine
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Strengthen solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Palestine

(Dan Tri) – During the Vietnamese delegation’s visit to Palestine to celebrate the 35th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations, the two sides agreed to promote cooperation in many fields.

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Nga, President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations during her visit to Palestine (Photo: VUFO).

Receiving the invitation of the Palestine National Liberation Movement Party (FATAH), the Delegation of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People led by VUFO Chairman Nguyen Phuong Nga,

This is an activity taking place on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the State of Palestine (November 19, 1988 – November 19, 2023).

During their visit to Palestine, the delegation laid a wreath at the grave of President Yesser Arafat, and was welcomed by Prime Minister Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh and Permanent Secretary of the FATAH Secretariat Jibril M.M.

The Vietnamese delegation also came to greet the leaders of Jericho, Jenin and Hebron provinces;

The delegation visited An-Najah National University, a number of historical cultural and religious relics in Nablus, Betlehem, Hebron and learned about the real life of Palestinian refugees in Jenin province.

Strengthen solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Palestine

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Nga met with senior Palestinian officials during the visit (Photo: VUFO).

At the meetings, Prime Minister Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh, Permanent Secretary of the FATAH Secretariat Jibril M.M.

The Palestinian side congratulated the great achievements that the Vietnamese people have achieved, making Vietnam a bright spot in development, with an increasingly high international role and position.

The Palestinian leaders and people thanked the Vietnamese leaders and people for their valuable help and consistent stance supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people’s struggle and affirming that the Palestinian State and people are steadfast.

The Palestinian Prime Minister affirmed that Vietnam is not only an example and inspiration for the Palestinian people in their struggle for national independence and the right to self-determination, but also a model in national development.

Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh emphasized that the two countries share common values ​​of national independence, peace and justice, and have great potential to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economics, trade, science and technology.

Palestinian leaders highly appreciated the contributions of Vietnamese people’s organizations to strengthening Vietnam – Palestine relations, hoping that VUFO and the Vietnam Committee would unite with the Palestinian people and coordinate closely with the organizations.

Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh called on the two sides to promote people-to-people exchanges and increase information to the Vietnamese and Palestinian people, especially the younger generation, about the situation of each country and the tradition of solidarity and friendship between the two countries.

VUFO President respectfully conveyed the Vietnamese leaders’ greetings to the Palestinian leaders, expressing his deep impression and congratulating the important achievements that the Palestinian people have achieved.

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Nga announced major highlights of the situation in Vietnam and sincerely thanked the support and assistance that Palestinian leaders and people have given to Vietnam in the struggle for national liberation and reunification.

The Vietnamese side shares the difficulties and suffering that the Palestinian people are suffering, affirming the solidarity and consistent stance of the Party, State and people of Vietnam to support the just cause of struggle.

VUFO and the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People will do their best to coordinate closely with Palestinian partners to strengthen traditional solidarity and friendship and promote multi-faceted bilateral cooperation, striving for peace.

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