Corrupt officials in poor provinces alarm China’s leaders
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Corrupt officials in poor provinces alarm China’s leaders

Chinese public opinion is stirred by the truth about the case of a department-level leader in poor Gansu province who, when investigated, was found to have embezzled up to 9.2 billion yuan (32,200 billion VND).

Loi Chi Cuong.

Small officials have big corruption

According to the May 14 issue of `Tai Tan Chu San` magazine, this official is Loi Chi Cuong – who once held the positions of Director of Finance, Deputy Mayor of Thien Thuy City, and Chairman of the Credit Cooperative Alliance.

During the investigation, Loi Chi Cuong proactively handed over more than 200 million yuan in evidence, most of which were beyond what the investigation team had previously learned.

Deeply investigating the Lei Zhiqiang case, investigators traced the corruption case of Wang Sanyun, Central Committee member, Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee from the business interactions of Wang Chang – his son.

Corrupt officials in poor provinces alarm China's leaders

Vuong Tam Van

Lei Zhiqiang was born in 1958 in Wushan, Gansu, and graduated from the Faculty of Finance, Gansu University of Finance and Trade.

On February 24, 2018, the Supreme People’s Procuracy of China announced: The Gansu Provincial Procuracy has appointed the Qingyang City Procuracy to prosecute the case of Lei Zhiqiang, Party Secretary and Chairman.

Tai Tan wrote: `Loi Chi Cuong’s depraved lifestyle makes people scared.

The poor provincial secretary is willing to play

Despite being a poor province, Gansu is one of the `most famous` localities for corruption.

Also according to Tai Tan chu san, after falling from his horse on July 11, 2017, on September 30 of the same year, Vuong Tam Van was investigated by the Chinese Supreme Procuracy, and then Van was prosecuted.

Transported many times to a 5-star hotel with a 36-hole golf course in Hoang Son to eat, drink, and play.

Vuong Tam Yun was born in 1952, from Shandong, and was originally an intellectual young man. In 1974, he entered Guiyang Pedagogical Institute.

According to Thu Thuy

Tien Phong

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