Falling gates, collapsing walls and back-to-school worries
1 min read

Falling gates, collapsing walls and back-to-school worries

So the first week of school for nearly 23 million students nationwide has passed after an unprecedented summer vacation and before that, a back-to-school season also under unique circumstances.

The newly published first grade Ethics book introduces basic concepts of moral qualities such as patriotism, kindness, hard work, honesty and responsibility…

Furthermore, knowledge related to human ethics is not only found in Ethics (a larger class called Citizenship Education), but is present in almost all social subjects and throughout the curriculum.

Just at the beginning of the new school year, a series of unsavory stories have surfaced in the education sector, such as: collapsing gates, collapsing walls, falling ceiling fans, leaving children unattended in cars, and forcing elementary school students to clean up.

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Regarding textbooks, in addition to the incident of `increasing the price of first grade books to over 800 thousand VND`, the compilation work also has problems.

In addition, the story of overcharging is always hot at the beginning of each school year, ridiculous amounts of money continue to exist, it happens from year to year, to the point where unusual things have become normal.

Many professions have negatives, but the education sector is one of the few social sectors that is more demanding, especially the ethics of teachers.

>> The article does not necessarily coincide with VnExpress.net’s views.

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