The nightmare of those who stay in Syria
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The nightmare of those who stay in Syria

People scrambled to flee after a government airstrike targeting rebels in the city of Douma, Syria, on August 24.

Every morning, women and children living in the town of Douma, on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus, humbly flock to the fields to avoid government airstrikes, according to the New York Times.

They started the day by shopping for necessities on the devastated streets.

Many medical staff working in Syria said that the fields are no longer safe bomb shelters.

This `difficult` life is one of the reasons why Syrians left their homeland and fled to Europe.

In Douma, where an anti-government rebel army is occupying, rebel suppression activities have been intensified with a series of air strikes taking place around the clock.

More than 550 people, most of them civilians in Douma and surrounding areas, have died in nearly a month, according to statistics from doctors from the Red Crescent organization.

The intense bombardment has even shaken the will of the most resilient people to hold on, said Ahmed, a local nurse.

The nightmare of those who stay in Syria

A man holds in his arms a baby who luckily survived an air strike in Douma on April 30.

Everything seemed to collapse

International public opinion has recently focused a lot on the activities of the Islamic State (IS), but the civil war in Syria that broke out in 2011 has received little attention.

Douma and poor towns surrounding the capital Damascus all have anti-government rebels.

If the government forces put pressure on them with air strikes, the rebels will not be outdone by continuously carrying out indiscriminate attacks.

Life in Douma has changed since the government implemented a blockade.

Recently released video footage shows a volunteer barely in his teens carrying the skinny boy’s body on his shoulders.

`It all seemed to collapse on us,` said Imad al-Din, a resident of Douma.

On August 16, at least 122 people in Douma present at a fruit and vegetable market died after an air strike.

Dr. Adnan Tobaji, who operates a makeshift basement hospital in Douma, sometimes has to operate on patients on the floor without antiseptic equipment or painkillers.

The crisis situation in Douma urged Mr. Tobaji, his colleagues and the people to sign a petition calling for a humanitarian ceasefire.

`Right now as we are talking, a certain Syrian has been killed. Either way, we must come up with a solution to end this war,` Tobaji said.

The nightmare of those who stay in Syria

Scene of devastation on the streets of Douma.

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