350,000 people injected experimental Covid-19 vaccine
1 min read

350,000 people injected experimental Covid-19 vaccine

Since the end of July, the media has repeatedly recorded images of people lining up in front of the Beijing Institute of Biological Products, part of national corporation Sinopharm, to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

To date, officials have not recorded any significant side effects in volunteers.

`It was a normal injection, I didn’t feel anything special,` said a 32-year-old female state-owned enterprise employee.

Each dose of vaccine includes two shots.

Some state-owned enterprises subsidize vaccinations for employees working in countries within the Belt and Road Initiative.

Chinese law allows mass use of drugs and vaccines still in clinical trials.

An expert from pharmaceutical company Sinovac holds experimental nCoV vaccine doses at Beijing headquarters.

Production facilities also operate at maximum capacity.

According to Sinopharm data, only a few volunteers had fever and headache after vaccination.

China is one of the few countries that has approved emergency vaccination against Covid-19.

The US is considering vaccination before the end of clinical trials.

Although China’s vaccine has not shown dangerous side effects, its premature approval has long been a topic of debate in the medical community. Interviewed by Nikkei, an anonymous office worker, 34 years old

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