America: Shocking case of a black man dying after a police officer pressed his knee on his neck
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America: Shocking case of a black man dying after a police officer pressed his knee on his neck

(Dan Tri) – Public opinion and some American politicians have expressed outrage after the incident of four Minnesota police officers using their knees to chop the neck of a black man.

The photo cut from the video that shocked America in recent days shows a white police officer pressing his knee on the neck of a black man (Photo: Facebook)

CBS reported that protesters on May 27 continued to gather at the intersection where black citizen George Floyd was unconscious when a Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee on his neck for a few minutes on May 25.

Many people went out to the area of ​​Chicago Avenue and East 38th Street, where police were recorded holding Floyd down on the sidewalk while the victim repeatedly said, `Please, I can’t breathe.`

Immediately after the video appeared on the internet, thousands of people protested at the intersection on May 26.

America: Shocking case of a black man dying after a police officer pressed his knee on his neck

Protesters wearing masks gathered near the scene of the incident, carrying banners with the words `I can’t breathe` (Photo: AFP)

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said on May 26 that the four police officers involved in the incident had been fired.

`The technique (using a knee to choke the neck) is not allowed, it is not a skill that police are trained for. There is no reason to apply such strong pressure to another person’s neck with your head.`

Protesters on May 26 also gathered at the home of Derek Chauvin – one of the four police officers in the incident.

America: Shocking case of a black man dying after a police officer pressed his knee on his neck

Floyd’s girlfriend, Shawanda Hill (right), sobbed near the area where he died (Photo: AFP)

Minneapolis police initially said that Floyd was resisting arrest, but videos obtained by CBS show otherwise, at least in the early stages of the incident.

Mayor Frey on May 27 called on the Hennepin County prosecutor’s office to look into the case of the police officer pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck.

Floyd’s death is currently being investigated by the FBI, the Minnesota State Police Department and the Hennepin County prosecutor’s office.

US President Donald Trump on May 27 called Floyd’s death a `sad and tragic` incident, emphasizing that `justice will be served` and `my heart goes out to the family and friends` of the victim.

The brightest candidate in the Democratic Party’s US presidential election, Joe Biden, said on May 26 that Floyd `deserves better`.

Floyd’s family said they want four Minneapolis police officers to be charged with murder.

The incident continues to spark a wave of anger about racial discrimination after several incidents of people of color being shot and killed by police in the US in controversial incidents in recent years.

America: Shocking case of a black man dying after a police officer pressed his knee on his neck

Protesters stood in the rain on May 26 to express their dissatisfaction (Photo: AFP)

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