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General Vo Nguyen Giap passed away

The General passed away at 6:09 p.m. on October 4, at the hospital where he was treated since 2009. Just over a month ago, the General turned 103 years old.

His body was moved from the special care area to the cold house under the strict supervision of soldiers holding guns.

The 2-storey old villa at 30 Hoang Dieu (Hanoi), where he and his family lived, still had lights on at night, with the doors of all the rooms open.

President Ho Chi Minh and General Commander-in-Chief Vo Nguyen Giap at the Border Campaign Command (1950).

That night, many major news agencies around the world simultaneously reported the General in a prominent position.

Xinhua News Agency praised General Vo Nguyen Giap as a hero and a legend in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the American news agency AP said that General Giap emerged `as a leader of the cloth army, consisting of guerrillas wearing sandals made from tires, pulling artillery pieces through the mountains to cover the mountains.`

General Vo Nguyen Giap passed away

He is a symbol of national will and pride.

Born on August 25, 1911 in Le Thuy district (Quang Binh), General Vo Nguyen Giap, originally a history teacher, became the `big brother` of the Vietnamese armed forces, the first General

`Lightning speed, even more lightning speed; more daring, more daring; taking advantage of every minute, every hour; rushing to the front; liberating the South; decisive battle and complete victory!`

During the Resistance War against the French and the Americans, the General directly commanded many major campaigns.

After the country was unified, the General was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense (until 1980);

Many experts, historical and military researchers in the country and the world all evaluate the General as a man of great talent, both in wartime and peacetime.

General Vo Nguyen Giap passed away

Bloomberg news agency assessed: `After Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap is the most important figure in the history of Vietnam in the 20th century.`

In the Encyclopedia of America and many other countries, his name and image are recorded as one of the most glorious military men.

General Vo Nguyen Giap first married in 1934 with revolutionary Nguyen Thi Quang Thai.

The General remarried Professor Dang Bich Ha (daughter of Professor Dang Thai Mai) after his first wife died in 1944. They had four children: Vo Hoa Binh, Vo Hanh Phuc, Vo Dien Bien and Vo Dien Bien.

Nguyen Hung – Quy Doan – Hoang Thuy

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