Hoai Linh: ‘I apologize for the delay in disbursement of more than 13 billion VND’
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Hoai Linh: ‘I apologize for the delay in disbursement of more than 13 billion VND’

In response to the question: `Why has more than 13 billion VND in donated money from October 2020 until now not been disbursed as the purpose of calling for charity?`, the comedian did not answer directly to the press.

Hoai Linh explained about the charity amount of 13 billion VND

Hoai Linh spoke up about the disbursement of more than 13 billion VND sent by the audience to the Central region.

Hoai Linh: 'I apologize for the delay in disbursement of more than 13 billion VND'

In the video, the artist said the amount of more than 13.4 billion VND donated is still in his account.

In October 2020, facing the serious flood situation in the Central region, many artists called on sponsors to donate to overcome the consequences of natural disasters such as: Thuy Tien, Ky Duyen, Minh Trieu… October 20/

However, unlike many artists who give money and gifts directly, as well as publicize their volunteer revenues and expenditures, the comedian has not spoken out about his plans to use the relief money after six months of calling for contributions.

Comedian Hoai Linh at the Mai Vang awards ceremony on the evening of January 14, in Ho Chi Minh City.

According to lawyer Bui Quoc Tuan – Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association, Hoai Linh’s campaign to raise money for charity is not against the law.

For a long time, many individuals have called for donations to support people in natural disaster areas, people in difficult circumstances… without going through the Fatherland Front, the Red Cross or other organizations.

Currently, the Ministry of Finance has been assigned by the Prime Minister to preside over drafting a Decree to replace Decree 64. Individuals who receive voluntary contributions from others for charity can apply the Ministry’s regulations.

Talking to the press, a representative of the State Budget Department (Ministry of Finance) said that this agency is finalizing a draft Decree on mobilization, receipt, distribution and use of voluntary contributions to support

The Ministry of Finance proposes that individuals participate in mobilizing, receiving, distributing and using contributions.

Individuals are responsible for reporting and publicizing activities of mobilizing, receiving, distributing and using voluntary contributions when requested.

Hoai Linh was born in 1969, from Quang Nam.

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