Not yet retired even though he has 3 billion VND and a house to rent
2 mins read

Not yet retired even though he has 3 billion VND and a house to rent

(Readers’ opinions do not necessarily coincide with’s views.)

Sharing about the story `retire early to live happily`, reader Thu7757 expressed his opinion:

Even if you have 3 billion VND and a house to rent, it’s only enough to make a basic living.

In the past, I always dreamed about when I would make a lot of money and then retire to enjoy life’s pleasures, thinking that that was happiness.

The older our children get, the more they need to go out into the world to be independent, so we also need money to support them with basic things at first.

When we are young, we only want to do what we like and live for ourselves. When we are old, we see everyone in us and ourselves in everyone, so we work hard to do all kinds of jobs and professions.

Even people who do the right profession of their choice only do it for value, not to like it, or if they like it then they do it.

If you have a lot of money, you should spend it the way you have a lot of money, why not apply the spending level of a person with a normal income?

If you don’t want to work, there are ten thousand reasons to refuse, but if you like to work, there are ten thousand reasons to work and make money.

When we earn a lot of money, we will have the opportunity to do many things that require money.

Only with powder can you make the paste. The more powder you have, the more paste you can make, the better, the happier, the happier and more meaningful the happiness.

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Many people would rather retire early to enjoy a low salary

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