India brought anti-aircraft missiles closer to China
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India brought anti-aircraft missiles closer to China

`As part of the reinforcement process to the region, the Indian Army and Air Force have deployed quick response air defense missile systems in the Ladakh region to prevent any reckless flight by fighters or

The Indian army is staffing a number of short-range, quick-response air defense missiles, including the Akash model that can destroy fighter jets and drones in just a few seconds.

An Indian Akash air defense missile complex.

Indian government sources say the country will soon receive stronger air defense systems from `a friendly country` that can be deployed and cover the entire Ladakh region to prevent any intruding aircraft.

India’s move to deploy short-range missiles to the border comes in the context that China is said to be building a new helicopter landing pad at Cape No. 4 on Pangong Tso Lake, near an Indian military outpost.

Some Indian government sources said the dispute situation in Ladakh is still tense, and the Chinese side continues to deploy weapons, including Su-30 fighters and strategic bombers, near the border.

The Indian radar system detected Chinese fighters and attack helicopters flying near the Daulat Beg Oldie area, Galwan valley, hot springs (Kyam) and Pangong Tso lake, even approaching the lakeshore area due to

Pangong Tso Lake, through which the Line of Actual Control (LAC) crosses, is divided into headlands numbered 1 to 8 from the Indian side.

Satellite images dated June 22 showed that the PLA established at least 16 outposts within a radius of 9 km from the LAC, near the Galwan valley, where a deadly brawl occurred last week.

India said 20 of its soldiers died in the melee. China confirmed casualties but has not announced the number of dead and injured.

India brought anti-aircraft missiles closer to China

The Chinese army dug fortifications, moved tanks and howitzers to the hot springs area (Kyam) in the territorial dispute area with India, June 22.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today claimed that the country’s army has `given a befitting reply` to `those peeping on Indian territory in Ladakh`.

`India knows how to make friends, but also knows how to look someone straight in the eye and give an appropriate response. Our brave soldiers will show that they will not let anyone violate their pride

Indian and Chinese soldiers have clashed many times in recent months in the Ladakh area, along the LAC, the unclearly demarcated border between the two countries.

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