Migrants’ luggage to cross the sea into Europe
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Migrants’ luggage to cross the sea into Europe

The journey to Europe for Syrian migrants is always extremely arduous and potentially dangerous.

Laser lights for help

Abu Jana’s belongings.

Abu Jana is a former Syrian army officer.

Although the items are small, they say a lot about the 35-year-old man.

Jana certainly understands the dangers of crossing the border by sea.

`I don’t think those rescue missions will affect my and others’ decisions to cross the sea,` Jana said.

It is the current situation that pushes Jana to this desperate solution, according to the Guardian.

Many other Syrians in Egypt are also stuck in the same situation as Jana.

`So I definitely have to go,` Jana asserted.

Life jackets for emergencies

Migrants' luggage to cross the sea into Europe

Items that Nizar brought with him.

An old life jacket, passport, a box of ginseng, anti-sickness medicine, a box of dates, an electrician’s college degree, a high school graduation certificate, and a household registration book are all the luggage of 39-year-old Nizar.

He brought very few things with him because there wasn’t much left to take away.

Even though he knew about that disaster, Nizar was still determined to take the risk again.

`I thought I could settle down in Egypt, wait until everything calmed down and then the whole family would return to their homeland,` Nizar shared.

The situation in Egypt is not as bad as Syria, but the government is so short of money that it is difficult to ensure the lives of its people, so obviously the refugees do not receive any attention.

This was the main reason why he accepted the risk.

Bottle of water lasts a week

Migrants' luggage to cross the sea into Europe

Houthayfa’s luggage.

The luggage of Houthayfa, a 29-year-old chef, is even more compact than that of his two compatriots.

Houthayfa did not bring many things because he did not have many assets.

`Of course I’m scared, but this is the only option,` he said.

Houthayfa initially fled to Lebanon, where more than a million Syrian refugees have sought out since the country’s civil war broke out.

Houthayfa works for a restaurant during the day.

Indigenous people are exhausted of hospitality because they are tired of the massive wave of migration flooding into their country.

In the summer of 2014, Houthayfa decided to go to Egypt to be closer to relatives.

Houthayfa found that enough was enough, he was prepared to give all his savings to human traffickers so they could help him migrate to Europe.

Cigarettes please

Migrants' luggage to cross the sea into Europe

Ahmed Abu Zeid’s luggage.

Ahmed Abu Zeid is the one who seems to have the most decent luggage.

Although he knew that human traffickers asked migrants to limit the items they brought on the boat, Zeid said he was more afraid of starvation than drowning.

Zeid turns a backpack into a mobile pantry.

Zeid used to carry more luggage, `objects of sentimental value from his homeland Syria`.

Many times Zeid reached the coast but the trip was canceled because the traffickers argued over the issue of money sharing.

`I don’t feel scared,` Zeid said.

Gia Quang (according to Guardian)

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