Shocking revelations about Quach My My’s depraved life
1 min read

Shocking revelations about Quach My My’s depraved life

Guo Mei Mei is one of the focuses of Chinese public opinion recently.

`There is no shortage of people who want me to be their escort. There are also many people who want to sleep with me once, no matter how much they have to pay,` My My affirmed.

Quach My My and her `foster father` Vuong Quan.

At the age of 19, Quach My My worked as a prostitute for businessman Vuong Quan (42 years old at that time).

Vuong Quan admitted that Quach My My knew that his wife and children were evenly matched, but the model wanted his money.

My My continued to testify about a man named Thuy who also had sex with her.

Shocking revelations about Quach My My's depraved life

My My in prison.

Another insider – Quach My My’s assistant – admitted that the model lived a debauched life.

Currently, in prison, My My shows regret for her days of lavish entertainment and illegal activities: `During these days here, I reflect on what I have done over the years. I am extremely grateful.

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