Small businesses simultaneously make masks
1 min read

Small businesses simultaneously make masks

`We keep getting calls,` said  Karen Buscemi – CEO of Michigan-based sewing company Detroit Sewn.

The demand for masks is increasing due to the pandemic.

In fact, neither cloth nor paper masks protect as well as the N95 masks being used by frontline workers when treating Covid-19 patients.

Workers make masks in a Detroit Sewn factory.

There is a serious shortage of masks in the US, both N95 and simple ones.

In Chicago, Dearborn Denim & Apparel recently had to close four retail stores and began using available materials at the factory to make two-layer fabric masks.

Each of the company’s masks is sold online for 7 USD.

Jomel Seams Reasonable also started making masks at both factories in Kentucky, after its mattress cover orders dropped.

His company currently sells masks to many audiences, including government offices.

Superior Bindery in Massachusetts is also using recycled cardboard to make simple masks for use by non-medical people, like grocery store cashiers.

However, some other companies believe that masks are now an important business segment.

Rose reached out to suppliers.

Currently, FAM sells masks to many customers, including hospitals and wholesale buyers.

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