Covid-19 – a difficult challenge awaiting Biden
4 mins read

Covid-19 – a difficult challenge awaiting Biden

`I want everyone to know that from day one, we will implement a plan to contain this virus. We cannot save every life that has been lost, but we can save many over the months.`

Biden outlined how to handle the pandemic on a national scale much tougher than President Donald Trump, said he would call on local leaders to mandate mask wearing if necessary, and establish a committee to increase

However, the challenge that Biden faces in the fight against Covid-19 is considered extremely difficult, because this is the worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. On November 6, the US recorded

Joe Biden in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22.

Figures are expected to rise in the coming weeks, as winter weather gets colder and more people stay indoors.

The Covid-19 situation in the US from now until then is unlikely to improve, unless Trump takes more active anti-virus measures in the last two months of his term, a scenario that seems unlikely.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows also said on October 25 that the Trump administration `will not control the pandemic`, but focus on developing `vaccines, treatments and other areas of mitigation`.

In his speech on November 6, Biden spoke of uniting the country and restoring public confidence in the message from the federal government.

However, according to Washington Post commentators Yasmeen Abutaleb and Laurie McGinley, the narrow results of the election show a deep divide in people’s views on how to handle the pandemic, further hindering efforts.

Some health experts, including several advisers to Biden’s campaign, say it is important for the President-elect to have an effective communications strategy that not only targets his supporters, but also

`Biden needs to understand the divisions in this country. He should spend the next three months trying to figure out how to convince the other side, including those who disagree with him,` Walid Gellad, deputy

Another factor that makes Biden’s anti-epidemic plan seem to depend largely on convincing people to change their behavior is that the Covid-19 vaccine is not expected to be put into use until mid or late 2021.

The prospect of implementing Biden’s anti-Covid-19 plan also depends on the results of the parliamentary election, because most of the budget to implement anti-epidemic measures needs to be approved by parliament.

Biden’s two pandemic control initiatives, which include dramatically increasing the country’s testing capacity and contact tracing efforts, both require large amounts of congressional money.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is likely to keep his seat if Republicans continue to gain control of the Senate, said he wants to pass some new Covid-19 support measures, including grants

However, it is unclear whether Democrats will support McConnell’s plan or not.

Biden’s allies point out that the President-elect demonstrated good negotiating ability with McConnell when he was Barack Obama’s `deputy general`.

In addition, with Trump constantly sowing doubts about the election results, Biden’s team must also prepare for a situation where the White House boss will prevent the President-elect’s transition team from accessing sources.

Many people have hypothesized that the Trump administration could `tear up all documents about Operation Speed ​​Force, the effort to develop a Covid-19 vaccine in the shortest time`, before he leaves the White House and

Biden’s campaign has begun discussing potential candidates to fill positions in science and health agencies, although they stressed no decisions have been made.

However, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said that with a series of obstacles ahead, Biden `will face many challenges in realizing some of his response plans.`

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