Confused when testing positive for nCoV on Diamond Princess ship
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Confused when testing positive for nCoV on Diamond Princess ship

`There will be a quiet time coming up. We have tested positive for nCoV and will go to the hospital soon,` David Abel, 74 years old, wrote on Facebook on February 18, when just one day left.

Mr. David Abel was under doctor’s care at a hospital in Japan this morning.

Steve Abel, son of David and Sally, currently living in the English county of Northamptonshire, said on February 19 that his father sent an email to say that they tested positive for nCoV.

But in a Facebook post the same evening, Mr. David said the result was a `huge communication confusion` due to Japanese health officials not speaking English.

David expected that with this confusion, he and his wife would be able to board the evacuation flight organized by the British government to bring citizens on the Diamond Princess cruise ship home.

However, the newly rekindled hope was once again extinguished when Mr. David wrote in a Facebook post yesterday afternoon to confirm that the couple was still healthy `but both tested positive for the corona virus`.

`My husband and I did not have the opportunity to get on a flight back to England. But the best thing is that my posts have contributed to helping British people get on a plane to leave here. I have completed my work.`

In today’s Facebook post, David said he and his wife were taken to a hospital in Japan for treatment.

`Quarantining the cruise ship is a failed solution. Isn’t it ineffective? There are many people infected. But now my parents are being quarantined somewhere else and treated. Dad

Confused when testing positive for nCoV on Diamond Princess ship

Mr. David Abel (right) and his wife Sally on the Diamond Princess yacht.

Abel and his wife are two of 74 Britons on the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama port, Japan.

Two passengers, including an 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman, both Japanese citizens, passed away after being infected with nCoV, NHK station today cited a source from the Japanese government as saying.

The British Foreign Ministry confirmed that it is working with the Japanese government to get citizens on planes to return home over the weekend, while `ensuring people infected with nCoV receive the best treatment in Japan`.

Previously, another British passenger on the Diamond Princess cruise ship said she felt `disappointed` about the government’s response and thought they should organize a flight to bring citizens home sooner.

`I need to go home and see my family, but after that flight comes 14 days of quarantine. I wish I had decided this last week,` she said.

Confused when testing positive for nCoV on Diamond Princess ship

A bus carrying tourists leaves the Diamond Princess cruise ship at Yokohama port on February 19.

The Diamond Princess cruise ship carrying more than 3,700 passengers and crew members has been quarantined since February 4, after a Hong Kong person who boarded the ship last month tested positive for nCoV.

After the US evacuated more than 300 citizens from the cruise ship, Canada yesterday announced it would also begin a plan to bring more than 250 citizens home.

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