Donald Trump – a test for the US-Japan alliance
Billionaire Donald Trump, US Republican presidential candidate.
The Japanese government then quickly spoke out against the comments of Mr. Trump, the US Republican presidential candidate, and affirmed that the above opinion was `unrealistic`, according to Diplomat.
Ms. Yuki Tatsumi, an expert at the East Asia Program of the Stimson Center, headquartered in Washington, USA, assessed that billionaire Trump’s statement shows the fact that he lacks basic knowledge about foreign policy.
According to Tatsumi, the criticism that Mr. Trump made does not match the real situation.
On the other hand, observers say that Tokyo has long been a generous ally to Washington, meeting at least 75% of the operating costs of US forces stationed in Japan.
If we expand the issue beyond Mr. Trump’s statements, it will be easy to see that the US expressing disappointment with its allies is nothing new, Ms. Tatsumi said.
Mr. Robert Gates, the first defense secretary under President Obama, in June 2011, in his final speech at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), bluntly warned that the US government also
Some people believe that the Japanese government has done a lot in strengthening national defense capabilities.
Budget pressure is so great that purchasing aircraft such as the F-35A, Global Hawk, V-22 Osprey, C-2 or P-1 must come at the expense of cutting the amount of money spent on equipment or operations.
Mr. Trump’s assertion that Japan and other allies must depend on the US security umbrella is a serious mistake, according to Tatsumi.
Instead of continuing to refute Trump, leaders in both countries should take his rapid rise as a sign that they cannot be complacent and must do more to advance their relationship.
See more: Chinese people’s Donald Trump craze
Dinh Viet